Ciencia Abierta

Ciencia Abierta

Con el fin de impulsar la Ciencia Abierta iniciativa impulsada por la Comisión Europea y Unesco, incluimos en esta sección artículos científicos de ICSO Meta que sean accesibles en formato abierto.

Año 2024

  • Chen, W.; Men, Y.; Fuster, N.; Osorio, C.; Juan, A.A. (2024): “Artificial Intelligence in Logistics Optimization with Sustainability Criteria”. Sustainability (indexed in ISI SCI, 2023 JCR IF = 3.3, Q2; 2023 SJR = 0.672, Q1). ISSN: 2071-1050:
  • Ammouriova, M.; Guerrero, A.; Tsertsvadze, V.; Schumacher, C.; Juan, A.A. (2024): “Using Reinforcement Learning in a Dynamic Team Orienteering Problem with Electric Batteries”. Batteries:
  • Saiz, M.; Calvet, L.; Juan, A.A.; Lopez, D. (2024): “A Simheuristic for Project Portfolio Optimization combining Individual Project Risk, Scheduling Effects, Interruptions, and Project Risk Correlations” :
  • Ammouriova, M.; Tsertsvadze, V.; Juan, A.A.; Fernandez, T.; Kapetas, L. (2024): “On the Use of Machine Learning and Key Performance Indicators for Urban Planning and Design”. Applied Sciences:
  • Guerrero, A.; Juan, A.A.; Garcia, A.; Pita, L. (2024): “Optimizing Maintenance of Energy Supply Systems in City Logistics with Heuristics and Reinforcement Learning”. Mathematics:
  • Rodriguez, P.; Carracedo, P.; Lopez, D.; Juan, A.A.; Martin, J.A. (2024): “Computer-Supported Strategic Decision Making for Ecosystems Creation”. Computers, 13(12), 322:
  • Soriano, R.; Tsertsvadze, V.; Osorio, C.; Fuster, N.; Juan, A.A.; Perez, E. (2024): “Balancing Risk and Profit: Predicting the Performance of Potential New Customers in the Insurance Industry”. Information (2023 IF = 2.4, Q3; 2023 SJR = 0.703, Q2)
  • Castillo, C., Panadero, J., Alvarez-Palau, E. J., & Juan, A. A. (2024). “Towards greener city logistics: an application of agile routing algorithms to optimize the distribution of micro-hubs in Barcelona”. European Transport Research Review, 16(1), 44.
  • Ghorbani, E., Gomez, J. F., Panadero, J., & Juan, A. A. (2024). “A sim-learnheuristic algorithm for solving a capacitated dispersion problem under stochastic and non-static conditions”. AIMS Mathematics, 9(9),24247-24270.
  • Osorio, C., Fuster, N., Chen, W., Men, Y., & Juan, A. A. (2024). “Enhancing Accessibility to Analytics Courses in Higher Education through AI, Simulation, and e-Collaborative Tools”. Information, 15(8), 430.
  • Gallego, V., Lingan, J., Freixes, A., Juan, A. A., & Osorio, C. (2024). “Applying Machine Learning in Marketing: An Analysis Using the NMF and k-Means Algorithms”. Information, 15(7), 368.
  • Martin, X. A., Herrero, R., Juan, A. A., & Panadero, J. (2024). “An Agile Adaptive Biased-Randomized Discrete-Event Heuristic for the Resource-Constrained Project Scheduling Problem”. Mathematics, 12(12), 1873.
  • Escoto, M., Guerrero, A., Ghorbani, E., & Juan, A. A. (2024). “Optimization Challenges in Vehicle-to-Grid (V2G) Systems and Artificial Intelligence Solving Methods”. Applied Sciences, 14(12), 5211.
  • Panadero, J., Juan, A. A., Ghorbani, E., Faulin, J., & Pagès‐Bernaus, A. (2024). “Solving the stochastic team orienteering problem: comparing simheuristics with the sample average approximation method”. International Transactions in Operational Research, 31(5), 3036-3060.
  • Neroni, M. (2022). “A Multi-Start Biased-Randomized Algorithm for Solving The 3-Dimensional Case Picking Problem”. Available at SSRN 4129644.
  • Uguina, A. R., Gomez, J. F., Panadero, J., Martínez-Gavara, A., & Juan, A. A. (2024). “A Learnheuristic Algorithm Based on Thompson Sampling for the Heterogeneous and Dynamic Team Orienteering Problem”. Mathematics, 12(11), 1758.
  • Plà-Aragonés, L. M., Bao, Y., Llagostera, P., Juan, A., & Panadero, J. (2024). “Collecting and Delivering Fattened Pigs to the Abattoir”. Animals, 14(11), 1608.
  • Peyman, M., Martin, X. A., Panadero, J., & Juan, A. A. (2024). “A Sim-Learnheuristic for the Team Orienteering Problem: Applications to Unmanned Aerial Vehicles”. Algorithms, 17(5), 200.
  • Agud-Albesa, L., Garrido, N., Juan, A. A., Llorens, A., & Oltra-Crespo, S. (2024). “A Weighted and Epsilon-Constraint Biased-Randomized Algorithm for the Biobjective TOP with Prioritized Nodes”. Computation, 12(4), 84.
  • Peidro, D., Martin, X. A., Panadero, J., & Juan, A. A. (2024). “Solving the uncapacitated facility location problem under uncertainty: a hybrid tabu search with path-relinking simheuristic approach”. Applied Intelligence, 54(7), 5617-5638.
  • Gomez, J. F., Martínez-Gavara, A., Panadero, J., Juan, A. A., & Martí, R. (2024). “A Forward–Backward Simheuristic for the Stochastic Capacitated Dispersion Problem”. Mathematics, 12(6), 909.
  • Campos, N., Corlu, C. G., Nogal, M., Juan, A. A., & Caliz, C. (2024). “Simulation-based mathematical learning for higher education students from heterogeneous backgrounds“. Journal of Simulation, 1-12.
  • Martin, X. A., Escoto, M., Guerrero, A., & Juan, A. A. (2024). “Battery Management in Electric Vehicle Routing Problems”: A Review. Energies, 17(5), 1141.
  • Neroni, M., Bertolini, M., & Juan, A. A. (2024). “A Biased-Randomized Discrete Event Algorithm to Improve the Productivity of Automated Storage and Retrieval Systems in the Steel Industry”. Algorithms, 17(1), 46.
  • Leon, J. F., Peyman, M., Martin, X. A., & Juan, A. A. (2024). “Simulation of Heuristics for Automated Guided Vehicle Task Sequencing with Resource Sharing and Dynamic Queues”. Mathematics, 12(2), 271.
  • Sánchez-Herrero, S., Tondar, A., Perez-Bernabeu, E., Calvet, L., & Juan, A. A. (2024). “Forecasting Survival Rates in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients Undergoing Bevacizumab-Based Chemotherapy”: A Machine Learning Approach. BioMedInformatics, 4(1), 733-753.

Año 2023

  • Ghorbani, E.; Fluechter, T.; Calvet, L. Ammouriova, M.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A. (2023): “Optimizing Energy Consumption in Smart Cities’ Mobility: Electric Vehicles, Algorithms, and Collaborative Economy”. Energies, 16(3), 1268
  • Leon, J.; Li, Y.; Martin, X.; Calvet, L.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A. (2023): “A Hybrid Simulation and Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Enhancing Efficiency in Warehouse Operations”. Algorithms, 16(9), 408
  • Gomez, J. F., Uguina, A. R., Panadero, J., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “A learnheuristic algorithm for the capacitated dispersion problem under dynamic conditions “. Algorithms, 16(12), 532.
  • Juan, A.; Rabe, M.; Ammouriova, M.; Panadero, J.; Peidro, D.; Riera, D. (2023): “Fuzzy Simheuristics in Logistics and Transportation: Dealing With Stochastic and Fuzzy Uncertainty”. Algorithms ISSN: 1999-4893.
  • Juan, A. A., Ammouriova, M., Tsertsvadze, V., Osorio, C., Fuster, N., & Ahsini, Y. (2023).  “Promoting Energy Efficiency and Emissions Reduction in Urban Areas with Key Performance Indicators and Data Analytics “. Energies, 16(20), 7195.
  • Soriano-Gonzalez, R., Perez-Bernabeu, E., Ahsini, Y., Carracedo, P., Camacho, A., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “Analyzing key performance indicators for mobility logistics in smart and sustainable cities : A case study centered on Barcelona “. Logistics, 7(4), 75.
  • Calvet, L., Benito, S., Juan, A. A., & Prados, F. (2023).  “On the role of metaheuristic optimization in bioinformatics “. International Transactions in Operational Research, 30(6), 2909-2944.
  • Leon, J. F., Li, Y., Martin, X. A., Calvet, L., Panadero, J., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “A Hybrid Simulation and Reinforcement Learning Algorithm for Enhancing Efficiency in Warehouse Operations “. Algorithms, 16(9), 408.
  • Juan, A. A., Marugan, C. A., Ahsini, Y., Fornes, R., Panadero, J., & Martin, X. A. (2023). “ Using Reinforcement Learning to Solve a Dynamic Orienteering Problem with Random Rewards Affected by the Battery Status “. Batteries, 9(8), 416.
  • Rodriguez-Garcia, P., Li, Y., Lopez-Lopez, D., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “Strategic decision making in smart home ecosystems : A review on the use of artificial intelligence and Internet of things”. Internet of Things, 22, 100772.
  • Juan, A. A., Perez-Bernabeu, E., Li, Y., Martin, X. A., Ammouriova, M., & Barrios, B. B. (2023).  “Tokenized Markets Using Blockchain Technology: Exploring Recent Developments and Opportunities “. Information, 14(6), 347.
  • Neroni, M., Herrera, E. M., Juan, A. A., Panadero, J., & Ammouriova, M. (2023).  “Battery Sharing: A Feasibility Analysis through Simulation “. Batteries, 9(4), 225.
  • Leon, J. F., Li, Y., Peyman, M., Calvet, L., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “A Discrete-Event Simheuristic for Solving a Realistic Storage Location Assignment Problem “. Mathematics, 11(7), 1577.
  • Martin, X. A., Hatami, S., Calvet, L., Peyman, M., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “Dynamic Reactive Assignment of Tasks in Real-Time Automated Guided Vehicle Environments with Potential Interruptions “. Applied Sciences, 13(6), 3708.
  • Tordecilla, R. D., Montoya‐Torres, J. R., Quintero‐Araujo, C. L., Panadero, J., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “The location routing problem with facility sizing decisions. International Transactions in Operational Research, 30(2), 915-945.
  • Herrera, E. M., Calvet, L., Ghorbani, E., Panadero, J., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “Enhancing Carsharing Experiences for Barcelona Citizens with Data Analytics and Intelligent Algorithms. “ Computers, 12(2), 33.
  • Ghorbani, E., Fluechter, T., Calvet, L., Ammouriova, M., Panadero, J., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “Optimizing energy consumption in smart cities’ mobility: Electric vehicles, algorithms, and collaborative economy “. Energies, 16(3), 1268.
  • Martin, X. A., Panadero, J., Peidro, D., Perez‐Bernabeu, E., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “Solving the time capacitated arc routing problem under fuzzy and stochastic travel and service times “. Networks, 82(4), 318-335.
  • Peyman, M., Fluechter, T., Panadero, J., Serrat, C., Xhafa, F., & Juan, A. A. (2023). “ Optimization of vehicular networks in smart cities: from agile optimization to learnheuristics and simheuristics. “ Sensors, 23(1), 499.
  • Nieto, A., Serra, M., Juan, A. A., & Bayliss, C. (2023).  “A GA-simheuristic for the stochastic and multi-period portfolio optimisation problem with liabilities “. Journal of Simulation, 17(5), 632-645.
  • Castaneda, J.; Calvet, L.; Benito, S.; Tondar, A.; Juan, A.A. (2023): “Data Science, Analytics and Artificial Intelligence in e-Health: trends, applications and challenges”. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions ISSN: 1696-2281.
  • Ammouriova, M., Herrera, E. M., Neroni, M., Juan, A. A., & Faulin, J. (2023).  “Solving Vehicle Routing Problems under Uncertainty and in Dynamic Scenarios: From Simheuristics to Agile Optimization.“ Applied Sciences, 13(1), 101.
  • Juan, A. A., Rabe, M., Ammouriova, M., Panadero, J., Peidro, D., & Riera, D. (2023). “Solving NP-Hard Challenges in Logistics and Transportation under General Uncertainty Scenarios Using Fuzzy Simheuristics “. Algorithms, 16(12), 570.
  • Juan, A. A., Keenan, P., Martí, R., McGarraghy, S., Panadero, J., Carroll, P., & Oliva, D. (2023). “ A review of the role of heuristics in stochastic optimisation: From metaheuristics to learnheuristics. “ Annals of Operations Research, 320(2), 831-861.
  • Castillo, C., Calvet, L., Panadero, J., Alvarez-Palau, E. J., Roig, M. V., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “Health Care Logistics in Depopulated Mountainous Areas: the case of Lleida’s Pyrenees “. Transportation Research Procedia, 71, 109-116.
  • Sánchez-Herrero, S., Calvet, L., & Juan, A. A. (2023).  “Machine Learning Models for Predicting Personalized Tacrolimus Stable Dosages in Pediatric Renal Transplant Patients. “ BioMedInformatics, 3(4), 926-947.
  • Sánchez-Herrero, S., Martínez, F. C., Serna, J., Cuquerella-Gilabert, M., Rueda-Ferreiro, A., Juan, A. A., & Calvet, L. (2023).  “Embedding R inside the PhysPK Bio-simulation software for pharmacokinetics population analysis “. BIO Integration, 4(3), 97-113.
  • Castaneda, J., Herrera, E. M., Londoño, J. C., Panadero, J., & Juan, A. A. (2023). “ Using Heuristics to Enhance Real-Life Warehouse Replenishment Processes in the Fashion Industry “. Transportation Research Procedia, 71, 124-131.
  • Jost, N., Grochala, A., Schumacher, C., Ammouriova, M., & Juan, A. A. (2023, December). “ Solving the Multi-Allocation p-Hub Median Problem with Stochastic Travel Times: A Simheuristic Approach. “ In 2023 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1854-1863). IEEE.
  • Lopez-Lopez, D., Giusti, G., Juan, A. A., & Corlu, C. G. (2023, December). “ Can Gambling ADS Affect Customer Risk Behavior? “ A Simulation Study to the” 888″ case. In 2023 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 3354-3363). IEEE. arnumber=10408411

Año 2022

  • Castaneda, J.; Ghorbani, E.; Ammouriova, M.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A. (2022): “Optimizing Transport Logistics under Uncertainty with Simheuristics: Concepts, Review and Trenes”. Logistics, 6(3), 42
  • Naveed, W.; Ammouriova, M.; Naveed, N.; Juan, A.A. (2022): “Circular Economy and Information Technologies: Identifying and Ranking the Factors of Successful Practices”. Sustainability, 14(23), 15587
  • Adelantado, F.; Ammouriova, M.; Herrera, E.; Juan, A.A.; Shinde, S.; Tarchi, D. (2022): “Internet of Vehicles and Real-time Optimization Algorithms: Concepts for Vehicle Networking in Smart Cities”. Vehicles, 4(4), 1223-1245.
  • Herrera, E.; Panadero, J.; Carracedo, P.; Juan, A.A.; Perez, E. (2022): “Determining Reliable Solutions for the Team Orienteering Problem with Probabilistic Delays”. Mathematics, 10(20), 3788.
  • Panadero, J.; Barrena, E.; Juan, A.A.; Canca, D. (2022): “The Stochastic Team Orienteering Problem with Position-Dependent Rewards”. Mathematics, 10(16), 2856.
  • Castaneda, J., Calvet, L., Benito, S., Tondar, A., & Juan, A. A. (2022). “Data science, analytics and artificial intelligence in e-health: trends, applications and challenges”. Sort, 47, 81-128.
  • Castaneda, J.; Jover, A.; Calvet, L.; Yanes, S.; Juan, A.A.; Sainz, M. (2022): “Dealing with Gender Bias Issues in Data-Algorithmic Processes: A Social-Statistical Perspective”. Algorithms, 2022, 15(9), 303.
  • Castaneda, J.; Neroni, M.; Ammouriova, M.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A. (2022): “Biased-Randomized Discrete-Event Heuristics for Dynamic Optimization with Time Dependencies and Synchronization”. Algorithms, 15(8), 289.
  • Doering, J.; Nieto, A.; Juan, A.A.; Perez, E. (2022): “Biased-Randomized Algorithms and Simheuristics in Finance & Insurance”. Boletin de Estadistica e Investigacion Operativa, 38(1): 1-16.
  • Gomez, J.; Panadero, J.; Tordecilla, R.; Castaneda, J.; Juan, A. (2022): “A Multi-Start Biased-Randomized Algorithm for the Capacitated Dispersion Problem”. Mathematics, 10(14), 2405.
  • Calvet, L.; Benito, S.; Juan, A.A.; Prados, F. (2022): “On the Role of Metaheuristic Optimization in Bioinformatics”. Int. Transactions in Operational Research.
  • Castaneda, J.; Martin, X.; Ammouriova, M.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A. (2022): “A Fuzzy Simheuristic for the Permutation Flow Shop Problem under Stochastic and Fuzzy Uncertainty”. Mathematics 10(10), 1760.
  • Li, Y.; Peyman, M.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A.; Xhafa, F. (2022): “IoT Analytics and Agile Optimization for solving Dynamic Team Orienteering Problems with Mandatory Visits”. Mathematics, 10(6), 982.
  • Ammouriova, M.; Bertollini, M.; Castaneda, J.; Juan, A.A.; Neroni, M. (2022): “A Heuristic-Based Simulation for an Education Process to Learn about Optimization Applications in Logistics and Transportation”. Mathematics, 10(5): 830.
  • Tordecilla, R.; Montoya, J.; Quintero, C.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A. (2022): “The Location Routing Problem with Facility Sizing Decisions”. Int. Transactions in Operational Research.
  • Laroque, C.; Liebau, M.; Copado, P.; Schumacher, C.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A. (2022): “A Biased-Randomized Discrete-Event Algorithm for the Hybrid Flow Shop Problem with Time Dependencies and Priority Constraints”. Algorithms, 15(2), 54.
  • Seiringer, W.; Castaneda, J.; Altendorfer, K.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A. (2022): “A simheuristic to optimize MRP planning parameters forstochastic production systems and customer demands”. Algorithms, 15(2), 40.
  • S. Asensio et al. “Testing lung cancer patients’ and oncologists’ experience with the Lalaby app for monitoring the quality of life through mobile sensors and integrated questionnaires”. Int. J. Hum. Comp. Inter. (2022)
  • S. Asensio-Cuesta, V. Blanes-Selva, J.A. Conejero, J.M. Garcia-Gomez. “A user-centered chatbot to identify and interconnect individual, social, and environmental risk factors related to overweight and obesity”. Inform. Health Soc. Care 47(1):38-52 (2022)
  • J.A. Conejero, J. Franceschi, E. Picó-Marco. “Fractional vs. ordinary control systems: What does the fractional derivative provide?” Mathematics 10, 2719 (2022)
  • J.A. Conejero and Nuria Oliver. “La iniciativa Valencia IA4COVID”. Indice: Revista de Estadística y Sociedad 86:33-35 (2022).
  • M.A. Lozano, O. Garibo i Orts, E. Piñol, M. Rebollo, K. Polotskaya, M.A. García-March, J.A. Conejero, F. Escolano, and N. Oliver. “Open data science to fight COVID-19: Winning the 500k XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge”. Proceedings of the Thirty-First International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. Sister Conferences Best Papers. Pages 5304-5308.
  • T. Soria Comes, S. Asensio, I. Maestu Maiques, A. Sánchez García, M. Martin Ureste, J.A. Conejero, and J.M. García-Gómez. “Use of Lalaby in lung cancer patients to trace performance from phone sensors and reported outcomes involving quality of life”. J. Thorac. Oncol. 17.9 (2022): S507-S508.
  • L. Zhou, N. Romero, J. Martínez-Miranda, J.A. Conejero, J.M. García-Gómez, & C. Sáez, C. (2021). “Subphenotyping of Mexican patients with COVID-19 at preadmission to anticipate severity stratification: Age-sex unbiased meta-clustering technique”. JMIR Public Health Surveill. (jph) 8(3):e30032 (2022)
  • Seiringer, W., Altendorfer, K., Castaneda, J., Gayan, L., & Juan, A. A. (2022, December). Potential of Simulation Effort Reduction by Intelligent Simulation Budget Management for Multi-Item and Multi-Stage Production Systems. In 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1864-1875). IEEE.
  • Leon, J. F., Marone, P., Peyman, M., Li, Y., Calvet, L., Dehghanimohammadabadi, M., & Juan, A. A. (2022, December). A Tutorial on Combining Flexsim with Python for Developing Discrete-Event Simheuristics. In 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1386-1400). IEEE.
  • Onggo, B. S., Martin, X., Panadero, J., Corlu, C. G., & Juan, A. A. (2022, December). “Solving Facility Location Problems for Disaster Response Using Simheuristics and Survival Analysis: A Hybrid Modeling Approach”. In 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1497-1508). IEEE.
  • Herrera, E. M., Panadero, J., Juan, A. A., Carracedo, P., Perez-Bernabeu, E., & De La Torre, R. (2022, December). “Combining Survival Analysis and Simheuristics to Predict the Risk of Delays in Urban Ridesharing Operations with Random Travel Times”. In 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1660-1671). IEEE.
  • Juan, A. A., Li, Y., Ammouriova, M., Panadero, J., & Faulin, J. (2022, December).” Simheuristics: an introductory tutorial. In 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1325-1339). IEEE.
  • Ammouriova, M., Panadero, J., Leißau, M., Laroque, C., Schumacher, C., & Juan, A. A. (2022, December). “A Biased-Randomized Simheuristic for a Hybrid Flow Shop with Stochastic Processing Times in the Semiconductor Industry”. In 2022 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC) (pp. 1888-1898). IEEE.

Año 2021

  • Panadero, J.; Ammouriova, M.; Juan, A.A.; Agustin, A.; Nogal, M.; Serrat, C. (2021): “Combining Parallel Computing and Biased Randomization for Solving the Team Orienteering Problem in Real Time”. Applied Sciences, 11(24), 12092.
  • Cesarano, L.; Croce, A. Martins, L.; Tarchi, D.; Juan, A. (2021): “A Real-time Energy-Saving Mechanism in Internet of Vehicles Systems”. IEEE Access.
  • Peyman, M.; Copado, P.; Martins, L.; Tordecilla, R.; Xhafa, F.; Juan, A. (2021): “Edge Computing and IoT Analytics for Agile Optimization in Intelligent Transportation Systems”. Energies, 14(19), 6309.
  • Tordecilla, R.; Martins, L.; Panadero, J.; Copado, P.; Perez, E.; Juan, A. (2021): “Fuzzy Simheuristics for Optimization Problems in Transportation: dealing with stochastic and fuzzy uncertainty”. Applied Sciences, 11(17), 7950.
  • Martins, L.; Tordecilla, R.; Castaneda, J.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2021): “Electric Vehicle Routing, Arc Routing, and Team Orienteering Problems in Sustainable Transportation”. Energies, 14(16), 5131.
  • Juan, A.; Marti, R.; Keenan, P.; Panadero, J.; McGarraghy, S.; Carroll, P.; Oliva, D. (2021): “A Review of the Role of Heuristics in Stochastic Optimisation: from metaheuristics to learnheuristics”. Annals of Operations Research.
  • Keenan, P.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.; Marti, R.; McGarraghy, S. (2021): “A Strategic Oscillation Simheuristic for the Time Capacitated Arc Routing Problem with Stochastic Demands”. Computers & Operations Research, 133, 105377.
  • De la Torre, R.; Onggo, S.; Corlu, C.; Nogal, M.; Juan, A. (2021): “The Role of Simulation and Serious Games in Teaching Concepts on Circular Economy and Sustainable Energy”. Energies, 14(4), 1138.
  • Xhafa, F.; Aly, A. Juan, A. (2021): “Assignment of Applications to Fog Resources via Semantic Clustering Techniques With Scenarios from Intelligent Transportation Systems”. Computing, 103, 361–378.
  • De la Torre, R.; Corlu, C.; Faulin, J.; Onggo, S.; Juan, A. (2021): “Simulation, Optimization, and Machine Learning in Sustainable Transportation Systems: Models and Applications”. Sustainability, 13(3), 1–21, 1551.
  • Saiz, M.; Lostumbo, M.; Juan, A.; Lopez, D. (2021): “A Clustering-based Review on Project Portfolio Optimization”. Int. Transactions in Operational Research.
  • Tordecilla, R.; Juan, A.; Montoya, J.; Quintero, C.; Panadero, J. (2021). “Simulation-Optimization Methods for Designing Resilient Supply Chain Networks under Uncertainty Scenarios: A Review”. Simulation Modelling Practice and Theory, 106, 102166.
  • Cardona, J.; Castaneda, J.; Martins, L.; Gandouz, M.; Juan, A.; Franco, G. (2021): “Using Data Analytics & Machine Learning to Design Business Interruption Insurance Products for Rail Freight Operators”. Transportation Research Procedia, 58, 393-400.
  • Castaneda, J.; Cardona, J.; Martins, L; Juan, A. (2021): “Supervised Machine Learning Algorithms for Measuring and Promoting Sustainable Transportation and Green Logistics”. Transportation Research Procedia, 58, 455-462.
  • Tordecilla, R.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; Martins, L.; Juan, A. (2021): “An Agile and Reactive Biased-Randomized Heuristic for an Agri-Food Rich Vehicle Routing Problem”. Transportation Research Procedia, 58, 385-392.
  • Serrano, A.; Gougeon, T.; Cadarso, L.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2021): “The Urban Freight Distribution in Medium Size Cities: Descriptive Data Taken From Pamplona (Spain) and Angers (France)”. Transportation Research Procedia, 58, 347-354.
  • Calvet, L.; Alvarez, E.; Viu, M.; Castillo, C.; Copado, P.; Juan, A. (2021): “Promoting Sustainable and Intelligent Freight Transportation Systems in the Barcelona Metropolitan Area”. Transportation Research Procedia, 58, 408-415.
  • Xhafa F., Aly A., Juan A.A. (2021): “Optimization of Task Allocations in Cloud to Fog Environment with Application to Intelligent Transportation Systems”. In: Barolli L., Woungang I., Enokido T. (eds) Advanced Information Networking and Applications. AINA 2021. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems, vol 225. Springer, Cham.
  • Tordecilla, R.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; Quintero, C.; Montoya, J.; Juan, A. (2021): “Combining heuristics with simulation and fuzzy logic to solve a flexible-size location routing problem under uncertainty”. Algorithms, 14(2), 45.
  • J. Amo-Navarro, R. Vinuesa, J.A. Conejero, S. Hoyas. “Two-dimensional compact-finite-difference schemes for solving the bi-Laplacian operator with homogeneous wall-normal derivatives. Mathematics”. (9), 2508 (2021).
  • S. Asensio-Cuesta, V. Blanes-Selva, J.A. Conejero, A. Frigola, M.G. Portolés-Morales, J.F. MErino-Torres, M. Rubio-Almanza, S. Syed-Abdul, Y.C. Li, R. Vilar-Mateo, L. Fernández-Luque, J.M. García-Gómez. “A user-centered Chatbot (Wakamola) to collect linked data in populations networks to support studies of overweight and obesity causes: design and pilot study”. JMIR Med. Inform. 9(4):e17503 (2021)
  • S. Asensio-Cuesta S, V. Blanes-Selva, M. Portolés, J.A. Conejero, J.M. García-Gómez. “How the Wakamola chatbot studied a university community’s lifestyle during the COVID-19 confinement”. Health Inform. J. April 2021.
  • J.A. Conejero, F. Martínez, A. Peris, F. Ródenas. “Sets of periods for chaotic linear operators”. RACSAM Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat., 115:63 (2021)
  • M.A. Lozano, O. Garibo i Orts, E. Piñol, M. Rebollo, K. Polotskaya, M.A. García-March, J.A. Conejero, F. Escolano, and N. Oliver. “Open data science to fight COVID-19: Winning the 500k XPRIZE Pandemic Response Challenge”. In Joint European Conference on Machine Learning and Knowledge Discovery in Databases ECML-PKKD 2021 (pp. 384-399). Springer, Cham.
  • J.L. Poza-Lujan, J.J. Sáenz-Peñafiel, J.L. Posadas-Yagüe, J.A. Conejero and J.C. Cano, “Use of Receiver Operating Characteristic curve to evaluate a street lighting control system”. IEEE Access, 9, 144660-144675 (2021).
  • C. Sáez, N. Romero, J.A. Conejero, and J.M. García-Gómez. “Potential limitations in COVID-19 machine learning due to data source variability: a case study in the nCov2019 dataset”. 15:28, 360-364 (2021).
  • Lostumbo, M.; Saiz, M.; Calvet, L.; Juan, A.; Lopez, D. (2021): “Combining Simulation with Reliability Analysis in Supply Chain Project Management under Uncertainty: A Case Study in Healthcare”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference.
  • Peyman, M.; Li, Y.; Tordecilla, R.; Copado, P.; Juan, A.; Xhafa, F. (2021): “Waste Collection of Medical Items under Uncertainty using Internet of Things and City Open Data Repositories: A Simheuristic Approach”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference.
  • Martins, L.; Castaneda, J.; Juan, A.; Barrios, B.; Calvet, L.; Tondar, A.; Sanchez, J. (2021): “Supporting Efficient Assignment of Medical Resources in Cancer Treatments with Simulation-Optimization”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference.
  • Martins, L.; Torres, M.; Perez, E.; Corlu, C.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2021): “Solving a Urban Ridesharing Problem with Stochastic Traveling Times: a Simheuristic Approach”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference.
  • Freixes, A.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; Gomez, J.; Serrat, C.; Juan, A. (2021): “A Genetic Algorithm Simheuristic for the Multi-unmanned Aerial Vehicle Orienteering Problem”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference.
  • Rabe, M.; Tordecilla, R.; Chicaiza, J.; Martins, L.; Juan, A. (2021): “Supporting Hospital Logistics during the First Months of the COVID-19 Crisis: A Simheuristic for the Stochastic Team Orienteering Problem”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference.
  • Herrera, E.; Neroni, M.; Panadero, J.; Bartolini, M.; Juan, A. (2021): “Last-mile delivery of pharmaceutical items to heterogeneous healthcare centers with random travel times and unpunctuality fees”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference.
  • Peyman, M.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.; Dehghani, M. (2021): “A Tutorial on How to Connect Python with Different Simulation Software”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference.
  • Laroque, C.; Copado, P.,; Leissau, M.; Schumacher, C.; Panadero, J; Juan, A. (2021): “A Biased-Randomized Discrete-Event Heuristic for the Permutation Flow Shop Problem with Multiple Paths”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference.
  • Wolfgang, S.; Panadero, J.; Altendorfer, K.; Castaneda, J.; Juan, A. (2021): “Applying Simheuristics for Safety Stock and Planned Lead Time Optimization in a Rolling Horizon MRP System under Uncertainty”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference.

Año 2020

  • Oliva, D.; Copado, P.; Hinojosa, S.; Panadero, J.; Riera, D.; Juan, A. (2020): “Fuzzy Simheuristics: Solving Optimization Problems under Stochastic and Uncertainty Scenarios”.  Mathematics, 8(12), 2240.
  • Hussien, A.; Oliva, D.; Houssein, E.; Juan, A.; Yu, X. (2020): “Binary Whale Optimization Algorithm for Dimensionality Reduction”. Mathematics, 8(10), 1821.
  • Ortega, N.; Oliva, D.; Cuevas, E.; Perez, M.; Juan, A. (2020): “An Evolutionary Approach to Improve the Halftoning Process”. Mathematics, 8(9), 1636.
  • Estrada, A.; Ferrer, A.; Juan, A.; Panadero, J.; Baghirov, A. (2020): “The Non-Smooth and Bi-Objective Team Orienteering Problem with Soft Constraints”. Mathematics, 8(9), 1461.
  • Chica, M.; Juan, A.; Bayliss, C.; Cordon, O.; Kelton, D. (2020): “Why Simheuristics?: benefits, limitations, and best practices when combining metaheuristics with simulation”. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 44(2): 311-334.
  • Gruler, A.; Perez, T.; Calvet, L.; Juan, A. (2020): “A Simheuristic Algorithm for Time-Dependent Waste Collection Management with Stochastic Travel Times”. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 44(2): 285-310.
  • Hatami, S.; Eskandarpour, M.; Chica, M.; Juan, A.; Ouelhadj, D. (2020): “Green Hybrid Fleets with Electric Vehicles: solving the heterogeneous vehicle routing problem with multiple driving ranges and loading capacities”. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 44(1), 141-170.
  • Londono, J.; Tordecilla, R.; Martins, L.; Juan, A. (2020): “A Biased-Randomized Iterated Local Search for the Vehicle Routing Problem with Optional Backhauls”. TOP, 29, 387-416.
  • Campos, N.; Nogal, M.; Caliz, C.; Juan, A. (2020): “Simulation-based Education involving Online and On-Campus Models in different European Universities”. Int. J. of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 17(1), 8-23.
  • Reyes, L.; Calvet, L.; Juan; A.; Faulin, J.; Bove, L. (2020): “A biased-randomized variable neighborhood search for sustainable multi-depot vehicle routing problems”. Journal of Heuristics, 26(3), 401-422.
  • Panadero, J.; Doering, J.; Kizys, R.; Juan, A.; Fito, A. (2020): “A Variable Neighborhood Search Simheuristic for Project Portfolio Selection under Uncertainty”. Journal of Heuristics, 26(3), 353-375.
  • Corlu, C.; de la Torre, R.; Serrano, A.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2020) : “Optimizing Energy Consumption in Transportation: literature review, insights, and research opportunities”. Energies, 13(5), 1115. 
  • D. Alarcón, Eduardo Balvís, R. Bendaña, J.A. Conejero, P. Fernández de Córdoba, J.L. Higón, J.Mª. Isidro, and H. Michinel. “Mathematical modeling and numerical simulation of heat dissipation in LED bulbs”. Thermal Sci. 24, 1877-1884 (2020)
  • F. Florez, P. Fernández de Córdoba, J.L. Higón, J.A. Conejero, and J.L. Poza-Luján. “A system to monitor and model the thermal isolation of coating compounds applied to closed spaces”. Thermal Sci. 24, 1885-1892 (2020).
  • D. Fuente, Ó. Garibo, J.A. Conejero, and J.F. Urchueguía. “Rational design of a genetic finite state machine: combining biology, engineering, and mathematics for biocomputing”. Mathematics, 8(8), 1362  (2020).
  • M.E. Iglesias-Martinez, P. Fdez. de Córdoba, J.A. Antonino-Daviu, and J.A. Conejero. “Detection of adjacent and non-adjacent bar breakages in induction motors via convolutional analysis of sound signals”. Appl. Sci. 10:19, 6641 (2020).
  • M.E. Iglesias-Martinez, P. Fdez. de Córdoba, J.A. Antonino-Daviu, and J.A. Conejero. “High-order spectral analysis of stray flux signals for faults detection in induction motors”. Applied Mathematics Nonlinear Sciences 5:2, 1-14, (2020).
  • C. Pérez-Benito, C. Jordán, J.A. Conejero, and S. Morillas. “Graph-based methods for simultaneous smoothing and sharpening of color images (Methods)”. MethodsX 7, 1008195 (2020).
  • Tordecilla, R.; Panadero, J.; Quintero, C.; Montoya, J.; Juan, A. (2020): “A Simheuristic For The Location Routing Problem With Facility Sizing Decisions And Stochastic Demands”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1265-1275.
  • Bayliss, C.; Nieto, A.; Juan, A.; Serra, M.; Gandouz, M. (2020): “A Simheuristic Algorithm for Robust Asset and Liability Management”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2093-2104. 
  • Panadero, J., Juan, A., Freixes, A., Grifoll, M., Serrat, C., & Dehghani, M. (2020). “An agile simheuristic for the stochastic team task assignment and orienteering problem: applications to unmanned aerial vehicles”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1324-1335.
  • Rabe, M.; Chicaiza, J.; Tordecilla, R.; Juan, A. (2020): “Simheuristics for Multi-Period Facility Location Problems with Forecasted and Random Demands”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1230-1241.
  • Saiz, M.; Lostumbo, M.; Juan, A.; Lopez-Lopez, D. (2020): “Using Simulation-Optimization for Stochastic Project Portfolio Management with Sustainability Criteria”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2493-2504.
  • Juan, A.; Laroque, C.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; de la Torre, R. (2020): “A Discrete-Event Heuristic for Makespan Optimization in Multi-Server Flow-Shop Problems with Machine Re-Entering”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1492-1502.
  • Corlu, C.; Panadero, J.; Onggo, S.; Juan, A. (2020): “On the Scarcity of Observations when Modelling Random Inputs and the Quality of Solutions to Stochastic Optimisation Problems”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2105-2113.
  • Bayliss, C.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.; Martins, L. (2020): “A Simulation-based Learnheuristic Algorithm for the Stochastic Team Orienteering Problem with Dynamic Rewards”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1324-1335.
  • Barrios, B.; Juan, A.; Altendorfer, K.; Peirleitner, A.; Estrada, A.; Panadero, J. (2020): “On the use of Simheuristics to Optimize Safety-Stock Levels in Material Requirements Planning with Random Demands”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1539-1550.
  • Bayliss, C.; Serra, M.; Nieto, A.; Juan, A. (2020): “Combining a Matheuristic with Simulation for Risk Management of Stochastic Assets and Liabilities”. Risks 2020, 8(4), 131.
  • Tordecilla, R.; Martins, L.; Saiz, M.; Copado, P.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A. (2020): “Agile Computational Intelligence for supporting Hospital Logistics during the COVID-19 Crisis”. Modeling and Optimization in Science and Technologies.
  • Martins, L.; Bayliss, C.; Copado. P.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A. (2020): “A Simheuristic Algorithm for solving the Stochastic Omnichannel Vehicle Routing Problem with Pick-up and Delivery”. Algorithms, 13(9), 237.
  • Calvet, L.; de la Torre, R.; Goyal, A.; Marmol, M.; Juan, A. (2020): “Modern Optimization and Simulation in Managerial Economics: a review”. Administrative Sciences, 10(3), 47.
  • Marmol, M.; Martins, L.; Hatami, S.; Juan, A.; Fernandez, V. (2020): “Using Biased-Randomized Algorithms for the Multi-Period Product Display Problem with Dynamic Attractiveness”. Algorithms, 13(2), 34.
  • Juan, A.; Corlu, C.; Tordecilla, R.; de la Torre, R.; Ferrer, A. (2020): “On the Use of Biased-Randomized Algorithms for Solving Non-Smooth Optimization Problems”. Algorithms, 13(1), 8.
  • Juan, A.; Freixes, A.; Panadero, J.; Serrat, C.; Estrada, A. (2020): “Routing Drones in Smart Cities: A Biased-Randomized Algorithm for Solving the Team Orienteering Problem in Real Time”. Transportation Research Procedia 47:243-250.
  • Martins, L.; Bayliss, C.; Juan, A.; Panadero, J.; Marmol, M. (2020): “A Savings-Based Heuristic for Solving the Omnichannel Vehicle Routing Problem with Pick-up and Delivery”. Transportation Research Procedia, 47:83-90.
  • Reyes, L.; Juan, A.; Bayliss, C.; Panadero, J.; Faulin, J.; Copado, P. (2020): “A Biased-Randomized Learnheuristic for Solving the Team Orienteering Problem with Dynamic Rewards”. Transportation Research Procedia, 47:680-687.
  • Nataraj, S.; Alvarez, C.; Sada, L.; Juan, A.; Panadero, J.; Bayliss, C. (2020): “Applying Statistical Learning Methods for Forecasting Prices and Enhancing the Probability of Success in Logistics Tenders”. Transportation Research Procedia, 47:529-536.    

Año 2019

  • Doering, J.; Kizys, R.; Juan, A.; Fito, A.; Polat, O. (2019): “Metaheuristics for Rich Portfolio Optimisation and Risk Management: Current State and Future Trends”. Operations Research Perspectives, 6, 100121.
  • Kizys, R.; Juan, A.; Sawik, B.; Calvet, L. (2019): “A Biased-Randomized Iterated Local Search Algorithm for Rich Portfolio Optimization”. Applied Sciences-Basel, 9(17), 3509.
  • De Armas, J.; Keenan, P.; Juan, A.; McGarraghy, S. (2019): “Solving Large-Scale Time Capacitated Arc Routing Problems: from real-time heuristics to metaheuristics”. Annals of Operations Research, 273(1-2), 135-162.
  • Gruler, A.; De Armas, J.; Juan, A.; Goldsman, D. (2019): “Modeling Human Behavior in Social Networks: a survey and the need for hybridization”. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 43(2), 193-222.
  • Reyes, L.; Ferone, D.; Juan, A.; Faulin, J. (2019): “A Simheuristic for Routing Electric Vehicles with Limited Driving Ranges and Stochastic Travel Times”. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 43(1), 3-24.
  • S. Asensio-Cuesta, J.M. García-Gómez, J.L. Poza-Luján,  and J.A. Conejero. “A game-theory method to design job rotation schedules to prevent musculoskeletal disorders based on workers’ preferences and competencies”. Int. J. Environ. Res. Public Health 2019, 16, 4666 (2019).
  • S. Asensio-Cuesta, A. Sánchez-García, J. Alberto Conejero, C. Sáez, A. Rivero-Rodríguez, and Juan M. García-Gómez. “Smartphone sensors for monitoring cancer-related quality of life: App, design, EORTC QLQ-30 mapping, and feasibility in healthy subjects”.  Int. J. Env. Res & Public Health. 16, 461 (2019).
  • J.A. Conejero, E. Hernández-Orallo, P. Manzoni, and M. Murillo-Arcila. “A SIR-based model for contact-based messaging applications supported by permanent infrastructure”. Discrete Contin. Dyn. Syst. Ser. S, 12, 735-746 (2019).
  • J.A. Conejero, C. Lizama, M. Murillo-Arcila, and J.B. Seoane-Sepúlveda. “Well posedness for abstract degenerate third order equations with infinite delay”. Israel Math. J. 229:1, 219-254 (2019).
  • D. Gammerman, A. Montagud, J.A. Conejero, J.F. Urchueguía, and P. Fernández de Córdoba. “Large scale evaluation of differences between network-based and pairwise sequence-alignment-based methods of dendrogram reconstruction”. PLoS ONE 14(9): e0221631 (2019).
  • M.E. Iglesias-Martinez, P. Fdez. de Córdoba, J.A. Antonino-Daviu, and J.A. Conejero. “Rotor fault detection in induction motors based on time-frequency analysis using the bispectrum and the autocovariance of stray flux signals”. Energies, 29, 597, (2019).
  • P. Linbald et al. “CyanoFactory, a European consortium to develop technologies needed to advance cyanobacteria as photoautotrophic production chassis”. Algal Res. 41,101510 (2019).
  • A. Mira-Iglesias, E. Navarro-Pardo, J.A. Conejero. “Power-law distribution of natural visibility graphs from reaction times series”. Symmetry 11, 563 (2019).
  • F.J. Pérez Benito, C. Sáez, J.A. Conejero, S. Tortajada, B. Valdivieso, J.M. García-Gómez. “Temporal variability analysis reveals biases in electronic health records due to hospital process reengineering interventions over seven years”. PLoS ONE 14(8): e0220369 (2019).
  • Bayliss, C.; Juan, A.; Franco, G.; Guidotti, R.; Estrada-Moreno, A. (2019): “Combining Simulation with a Biased-Randomized Heuristic to Develop Parametric Bonds for Insurance Coverage against Earthquakes”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1328-1329.
  • Raba, D.; Juan, A.; Panadero, J.; Bayliss, C.; Estrada-Moreno, A. (2019): “Combining the Internet of Things with Simulation-Based Optimization to Enhance Logistics in an Agri-Food Supply Chain”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1894-1905.
  • Onggo, S.; Juan, A.; Panadero, J.; Corlu, C.; Agustin, A. (2019): “An Inventory-Routing Problem with Stochastic Demand and Stock-Out: A Solution and Risk Analysis Using Simheuristics”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1977-1988.
  • Juan, A.; Panadero, J.; Reyes, L.; Faulin, J.; De La Torre, R.; Latorre, I. (2019): “Simulation-Based Optimization in Transportation and Logistics: Comparing Sample Average Approximation with Simheuristics”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1906-1917.
  • Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A.; Freixes, A.; Serrat, C.; Grifoll, M.; Dehghanimohamamdabadi, M. (2019): “A Simheuristic for the Unmanned Aerial Vehicle Surveillance-Routing Problem with Stochastic Travel Times and Reliability Considerations”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1883-1893.
  • De Armas, J.; Daradoumis, T.; Economides, A.; Juan, A. (2019): “Horizontal Cooperation Practices in Internet-based Higher Education, Computational Logistics, and Telecommunications”. Journal of Computer Science, 15(1), 197-206.
  • Nataraj, S.; Ferone, D.; Quintero, C.; Juan, A.; Festa, P. (2019): “Consolidation Centers in City Logistics: a cooperative approach based on the location routing problem”. International Journal of Industrial Engineering Computations, 10(3), 393-404.

Año 2018

  • L. Bernal-González, J.A. Conejero, M. Murillo-Arcila, J.B. Seoane-Sepúlveda. “Highly tempering infinite matrices”. RACSAM Rev. R. Acad. Cienc. Exactas Fís. Nat. Ser. A Mat., 112:1 ,341-345 (2018).
  • J. Bès, J.A. Conejero, and D. Papathanasiou. “Hypercyclic algebras for convolution and composition operators”. J. Funct. Anal., 274:10, 2884-2905 (2018)
  • L. Bernal-González, J.A. Conejero, G. Costakis, J.B. Seoane-Sepúlveda. “Multiplicative structures of hypercyclic functions for convolution operators”. J. Oper. Th. 80:1, 101-112 (2018).
  • E. Hernández-Orallo, M. Murillo-Arcila, J. C. Cano, C. T. Calafate, J. A. Conejero and P. Manzoni. “An analytical model based on population processes to characterize data dissemination in 5G opportunistic networks”. IEEE Access, 6, 1603-1615. (2018).
  • M.E. Iglesias Martínez, J.M. García-Gómez, C. Sáez-Silvestre, P. Fernández-de-Córdoba, and J.A. Conejero. “Feature extraction and similarity of movement detection during seep, based on higher order spectra and entropy of the actigraphy signal: results of the Community Health Study Hispanic / Study of Latinos”. Sensors 18:12, E4310 (2018)
  • E. Navarro-Pardo, L. González-Pozo, P. Villacampa-Fernández, J.A. Conejero. “Benefits of a dance group intervention on institutionalized elder people: a Bayesian network approach”. Appl. Math. Nonlin. Sci. 3:2, 503-512 (2018).
  • C. Pérez-Benito, C. Jordán, S. Morillas, and J.A. Conejero. “A model based on local graphs for colour images and its application for Gaussian noise smoothing”. J. Comp. Appl. Math. 330, 955-964, 2018.
  • Juan, A.; Kelton, D.; Currie, C.; Faulin, J. (2018): “Simheuristics applications: Dealing with uncertainty in logistics, transportation, and other supply chain areas”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3048-3059.
  • Panadero, J.; Juan, A.; Mozos, J.; Corlu, C.; Onggo, B. (2018): “Agent-based simheuristics: Extending simulation-optimization algorithms via distributed and parallel computing”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 869-880.
  • Onggo, B.; Juan, A.; Mustafee, N.; Smart, A.; Molloy, O. (2018): “Symbiotic simulation system: Hybrid systems model meets big data analytics”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 1358-1369.
  • Maccarrone, L.; Giovannelli, T.; Ferone, D.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A. (2018): “A simheuristic algorithm for solving an integrated resource allocation and scheduling problem”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3340-3351.
  • Estrada-Moreno, A.; Cavero, M.; Juan, A.; Serrat, C.; Nogal, M. (2018): “Distribution planning in a weather-dependent scenario with stochastic travel times: A simheuristic approach”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3013-3024.
  • Festa, P.; Pastore, T.; Ferone, D.; Juan, A.; Bayliss, C. (2018): “Integrating biased-randomized GRASP with Monte Carlo simulation for solving the vehicle routing problem with stochastic demands”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 2989-3000.
  • Reyes, L.; Ospina, C.; Faulin, J.; Mozos, J.; Panadero, J.; Juan, A.A. (2018): “The team orienteering problem with stochastic service times and driving-range limitations: A simheuristic approach”. In Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, pp. 3025-3035.
  • Juan, A.; Calvet, L. (2018): “A tutorial on simheuristics: How simulation can efficiently support metaheuristic algorithms in stochastic optimization”. Proceedings of the Operational Research Society Simulation Workshop, 47-56.
  • De Armas, J.; Juan, A. A.; Marquès, J. M. (2018): “A Biased-Randomized Algorithm for the Uncapacitated Facility Location Problem”. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 730, pp. 287-298.
  • Eliseu, M.; Gomes, M. I.; Juan, A. A. (2018): “A biased-randomized heuristic for the home healthcare routing problem”. Springer Proceedings in Mathematics and Statistics 223, pp. 57-67.
  • Alvarez, P.; Serrano, A.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A. (2018): “Using Modelling Techniques to Analyze Urban Freight Distribution. A Case Study in Pamplona”. Transportation Research Procedia.
  • Latorre-Biel, J. I.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A. A.; Jimenez-Macias, E. (2018): “Petri Net Model of a Smart Factory in the Frame of Industry 4.0”. IFAC-PapersOnLine, 51(2), 266-271.
  • Ruiz, X.; Calvet, L.; Ferrarons, J.; Juan, A. (2018). “SmartMonkey: A Web Browser Tool for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Problems in Real Time”. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 730, pp. 74-86.
  • Gruler, A.; Juan, A. A.; Contreras-Bolton, C.; Gatica, G. (2018): “A biased-randomized heuristic for the waste collection problem in smart cities”. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 730, pp. 255-263.
  • Alemany, G.; Juan, A. A.; Garcia, R.; Garcia, A.; Ortega, M. (2018): “Multi-capacity, Multi-depot, Multi-product VRP with Heterogeneous Fleets and Demand Exceeding Depot Capacity”. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 730, pp. 113-123.
  • Quintero-Araujo, C. L.; Juan, A. A.; Caballero-Villalobos, J. P.; Montoya-Torres, J. R.; Faulin, J. (2018): “A New Randomized Procedure to Solve the Location Routing Problem”. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 730, pp. 247-254.
  • Arnau, Q.; Juan, A.; Serra, I. (2018): “On the Use of Learnheuristics in Vehicle Routing Optimization Problems with Dynamic Inputs”. Algorithms, 11(12): 208.

Año 2017

Año 2016

  • Calvet, L.; Juan, A.; Serrat, C.; Ries, J. (2016): “A statistical learning based approach for parameter fine-tuning of metaheuristics”. Statistics and Operations Research Transactions, 40(1): 201-224.
  • Juan, A.; Mendez, C.; Faulin, J.; De Armas, J.; Grasman, S. (2016): “Electric Vehicles in Logistics and Transportation: a survey on emerging environmental, strategic, and operational challenges”. Energies 2016, 9(2): 1-21.
  • Martin, S.; Ouelhadj, D.; Beullens, P.; Ozcan, E.; Juan, A.; Burke, E. (2016): “A Multi-Agent Based Cooperative Approach to Scheduling and Routing”. European Journal of Operational Research, 254(1): 169-178.
  • Dominguez, O.; Juan, A.; Barrios, B.; Faulin, J.; Agustin, A. (2016): “Using biased randomization for solving the two-dimensional loading vehicle routing problem with heterogeneous fleet”. Annals of Operations Research, 236 (2): 383-404.
  • Steegmann, C.; Perez, A.; Prat, M.; Juan, A. (2016): “Math-Elearning@Cat: Analyzing the Implementation of Information Technologies in Secondary Mathematical Education”. Revista Latinoamericana de Investigación en Matemática Educativa. 19(3): 287-310.
  • J.A. Conejero, C. Jordán, and E. Sanabria-Codesal. “An algorithm for self-organization of driverless vehicles of a car-rental service”. Nonlinear Dyn. 84, 107-114 2016. doi:10.1007/s11071-015-2237-4  
  • Ferone, D.; Festa, P.; Gruler, A.; Juan, A. (2016): “Combining simulation with a GRASP metaheuristic for solving the permutation flow-shop problem with stochastic processing times”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 2205-2215.
  • Quintero, C.; Juan, A.; Montoya, J.; Muñoz, A. (2016): “A simheuristic algorithm for Horizontal Cooperation in urban distribution: Application to a case study in Colombia”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 2193-2204.
  • Latorre, I.; Faulin, J.; Juan, A. (2016): “Enriching Simheuristics with Petri net models: Potential applications to logistics and supply chain management”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 2475-2486.
  • Guimarans, D.; Dominguez, O.; Juan, A.; Martinez, E. (2016): “A multi-start simheuristic for the stochastic two-dimensional vehicle routing problem”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 2326-2334.
  • Calvet, L.; Juan, A.; Fernandez, V.; Framinan, J. (2016): “Combining simulation with metaheuristics in distributed scheduling problems with stochastic processing times”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 2347-2357.
  • Alemany, G.; De Armas, J.; Juan, A.; Garcia, A.; García, R.; Ortega, M. (2016): “Combining Monte Carlo simulation with heuristics to solve a rich and real-life multi-depot vehicle routing problem”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 2466-2474.
  • Agustin, A.; Gruler, A.; De Armas, J.; Juan, A. (2016): “Optimizing airline crew scheduling using biased randomization: A case study”. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science / LNAI, 9868: 331-340.
  • Calvet, L.; Pages, A.; Travesset, O.; Juan, A. (2016): “A Simheuristic for the Heterogeneous Site-dependent Asymmetric VRP with Stochastic Demands”. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science / LNAI, 9868: 408-417.
  • Quintero, C.; Gruler, A.; Juan, A. (2016): “Quantifying potential benefits of Horizontal Cooperation in urban transportation under uncertainty: A simheuristic approach”. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science / LNAI, 9868: 280-289.
  • Quintero, C.; Pages, A.; Juan, A.; Travesset, O.; Jozefowiez, N. (2016): “Planning freight delivery routes in mountainous regions”. Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 254: 123-132.
  • Doering, J.; Juan, A.; Kizys; R.; Fito, A.; Calvet, L. (2016): “Solving realistic portfolio optimization problems via metaheuristics: a survey and an example”. Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 254: 22-30.
  • Calvet, L.; Juan, A.; Kizys, R.; De Armas, J. (2016): “A SimILS-based Methodology for a Portfolio Optimization Problem with Stochastic Returns”. Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 254: 3-11.
  • De Armas, J.; Calvet, L.; Franco, G.; Lopeman, M.; Juan, A. (2016): “Minimizing Trigger Error in Parametric Earthquake Catastrophe Bonds via Statistical Approaches”. Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 254: 167-175.
  • Gruler, A.; Juan, A.; De Armas, J. (2016): “Behavioral factors in City Logistics from an Operations Research perspective”. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 9704: 32–41.

Año 2015

  • Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Grasman, S.; Rabe, M.; Figueira, G. (2015): “A review of Simheuristics: extending metaheuristics to deal with stochastic optimization problems”. Operations Research Perspectives, 2: 62-72.
  • Juan, A.; Rabe, M.; Faulin, J.; Grasman, S. (2015): “Simheuristics: hybridizing simulation with metaheuristics for decision-making under uncertainty”. Journal of Simulation, 9(4): 261–262.
  • Calvet, L.; Juan, A. (2015): “Educational Data Mining and e-Learning Analytics: an overview of goals, quantitative methods, and time-line evolution“. Int. J. of Educational Technology in Higher Education, 12(3).

Año 2014

  • J.A. Conejero, C. Jordán, and E. Sanabria-Codesal. “An iterative algorithm for the management of an electric car-rental service”. J. Appl. Math. 2014, 2014, article ID 483734, 11 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/483734
    J.A. Conejero, C. Jordán, E. Sanabria-Codesal. “A tree-based model for setting optimal train fare zones”. Math. Probl. Eng. 2014, 2014, article ID 384321, 11 pages. doi:10.1155/2014/384321
  • Carmona, G.; Juan, A.; Fonseca, P. (2014): “Optimization of Aircraft Boarding Processes Considering Passengers’ Grouping Characteristics”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 1977–1988.
  • Gonzalez, S.; Barrios, B.; Juan, A.; Riera, D. (2014): “On the use of biased randomization and simheuristics to solve stochastic vehicle and arc routing problems”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 1875–1884.
  • Cabrera, G.; Gonzalez, S.; Juan, A.; Grasman, S.; Marques, J. (2014): “Combining Biased Random Sampling with Metaheuristics for the Facility Location Problem in Distributed Computer Systems”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 3000–3011.
  • Gonzalez-Martin, S.; Ferrer, A.; Juan, A.; Riera, D. (2014): “Solving Non-smooth Arc Routing Problems Throughout Biased-Randomized Heuristics”. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing, 262: 451-462.
  • Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Perez, E.; Jozefowiez, N. (2014): “Horizontal Cooperation in Vehicle Routing Problems with Backhauling and Environmental Criteria”. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 111(5): 1133–1141.

Año 2013

  • Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Ferrer, A.; Lourenço, H.; Barrios, B. (2013): “MIRHA: multi-start biased randomization of heuristics with adaptive local search for solving non-smooth routing problems”. TOP, 21: 109-132.
  • Munoz, A.; Montoya, J.; Juan, A.; Caceres, J. (2013): “A simulation-based algorithm for the integrated location and routing problem in urban logistics”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 2032-2041.
  • Grasas, A.; Juan, A.; Lourenço, H. (2013): “Operations Research and Simulation in Master Degrees: A case study regarding different universities in Spain”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 3609-3619.
  • Cabrera, G.; Juan, A.; Perez-Roses, H.; Marques, J.; Faulin, J. (2013): “Promoting Green Internet Computing throughout Simulation-Optimization Scheduling Algorithms”. Proceedings – Winter Simulation Conference, 1917-1925.
  • Cabrera, G.; Perez-Roses, H.; Juan, A.; Marques, J. (2013): “Sustainable Internet Services in Contributory Communities”. Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 8109: 260-268.
  • Juan, A.; Faulin, J.; Perez, E.; Dominguez, O. (2013): “Simulation-optimization methods in vehicle routing problems: a literature review and an example”. Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 145: 115-124.
  • Mas, S.; Juan, A.; Arias, P.; Fonseca, P. (2013): “A Simulation study regarding different Aircraft Boarding Strategies”. Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 145: 145-152.
  • Silveiro, I.; Juan, A.; Arias, P. (2013): “A Simulation-based approach for solving the Aircraft Turnaround Problem”. Springer Lecture Notes in Business Information Processing, 145: 163-170.

Año 2012

Año 2011

  • Guimarans, D.; Herrero, R.; Riera, D.; Juan, A.; Ramos, J. (2011): “Combining Constraint Programming, Lagrangean Relaxation and Probabilistic Algorithms to solve the Vehicle Routing Problem”. Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence, 62(3-4): 299-315.
  • Steegmann, C.; Juan, A.; Huertas, M. (2011): “Enseñanza de las matemáticas asistida por las tecnologías del aprendizaje y la comunicación: el proyecto M@thelearning”. Revista Iberoamericana de Educación, 54(4): 1-12.
  • Faulin, J.; Juan, A.; Lera, F.; Grasman. S. (2011): “Solving the Capacitated Vehicle Routing Problem with Environmental Criteria Based on Real Estimations in Road Transportation: A Case Study”. Procedia Social and Behavioral Sciences, 20: 323-334.
  • Daradoumis, T.; Caballe, S.; Juan, A.A.; Xhafa, F. (eds.) (2011): “Technology-Enhanced Systems and Tools for Collaborative Learning Scaffolding”. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 350: v-xii.

Año 2010

  • Vilajosana, X.; Llosa, J.; Pacho, C.; Vilajosana, I.; Juan, A.; Vicario, J.; Morell, A. (2010): “ZERO: Probabilistic Routing for Deploy and Forget Wireless Sensor Networks”. Sensors, 10(10): 8920-8937.
  • Martinez, M.; Castan, J.; Juan, A. (2010): “How do Students Measure Service Quality in e-Learning? A Case Study Regarding an Internet-based University”. Electronic Journal of e-Learning, 8(2): 151-160.
  • Daradoumis, T.; Juan, A.; Lera-Lopez, F.; Faulin, J. (2010). “Using Collaboration Strategies to Support the Monitoring of Online Collaborative Learning Activity”. Communications in Computer and Information Science, 73: 271-277.
  • Vilajosana, X.; Lazaro, D.; Juan, A.; Marques, J. (2010): “A Multi-Lane Double Auction for Economic-Based Service Management in the Cloud”. Studies in Computational Intelligence, 329: 117-148.